Aging Guide for Men: Heart Health and Aging Risks

Aging Guide for Men: Heart Health and Aging Risks

Are men more likely to get heart disease and heart attacks as they age?  

Men and women have different risks for cardiovascular disease and heart failure, as well as differences in outcomes and long-term survival. While research from previous decades showed that men had more heart attacks than women, newer data suggests that the gender gap in heart disease is closing, for various reasons including increased diagnosis among women, demographic lifestyle shifts, and other factors. With risks to our heart health increasing, prioritizing health and eliminating risks like having high blood pressure or an unhealthy diet are important for healthy aging. 

How does heart health effect men as they age?

High blood pressure and heart health risks are common in older people. Today, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in both women and men. We do know statistically that heart attacks in men occur at an earlier age than in women. The average age of a heart attack in men is 66, while in women the average age is 70. Higher estrogen levels in women, which can help protect heart function, are believed to be the reason. 

Cardiovascular disease is often called a silent killer—because actual signs and symptoms are common or can progress without being noticed until it’s too late. But heart issues can cause long-term health problems. That’s why prevention is so important, with healthy lifestyle choices that are proven to support long-term cardiovascular health and help prevent heart-damaging risk factors like high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol, and chronic inflammation.  

What are the signs and symptoms of developing a heart attack?

There are many signs that you may be struggling with cardiovascular issues and may be at risk for a heart attack. The signs and symptoms of heart issues include: 

  • High blood pressure 
  • Chest pain 
  • Upper back/neck pain 
  • Digestive discomfort /nausea/vomiting 
  • Dizziness
  • Swelling of the limbs 
  • Fatigue/shortness of breath 

While these may seem common, sometimes, these signs are not present or go unnoticed. In fact, nearly half of the men that have sudden heart attacks had no prior symptoms of cardiovascular disease or signs of an impending heart attack.1

What puts you at risk for heart disease or heart attack?

While there are conditions such as diabetes, that increase your heart disease risks, the more well-known risk factors include obesity, smoking, a Western diet high in processed foods, frequent alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle and other factors that fuel inflammation in the body.  

Early Warning Signs of Heart Disease in Men

While many heart disease cases in men can progress unnoticed for years, researchers have found that there are a handful of early warning signs that men can be on the lookout for. If you experience any of these seemingly unrelated issues, it’s critical to discuss them with your doctor as they can potentially signal cardiovascular issues. 

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)Many people believe this is a normal part of aging in men. However, erectile dysfunction, defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection, can be an early sign of cardiovascular disease, specifically, blockages in the circulation or problems with blood flow and microvasculature throughout the body. Men in their 40s who experience ED demonstrate an 80% increased risk of developing heart disease within the next 10 years. Natural strategies typically focus on circulation support and hormone balancing, including regular exercise and natural supplements as targeted solutions.  

Low TestosteroneAlso seen as a part of normal aging in men, new research points to low testosterone as a significant risk factor for heart disease and metabolic conditions like type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Men with low testosterone tend to have higher cholesterol levels and store more body fat. In addition, an increase in body fat can reduce testosterone. Testosterone therapy has been shown in some studies to help reduce risks factors for cardiovascular disease, like high cholesterol and circulatory problems. Low testosterone can directly contribute to ED, as well as other conditions and premature aging in men. Holistic strategies to improve testosterone balance include regular muscle-building exercises, healthy sleep, a high protein nutrient-rich diet, and specific supplements that can support optimal hormone balance in men.

Chronic Stress—Chronic stress is a well-documented risk factor for cardiovascular disease. However, the relationship between ongoing stress and cardiovascular health is often overlooked in men. Men with chronic stress or anger are at a significantly higher risk of heart disease. Studies show that in the two hours following an anger event, a man’s risk of heart attack is 5 times higher than normal. Today, more medical providers are screening for mental health as an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease.  

Chronic stress fuels inflammation in the body and increases the risks of numerous conditions beyond just heart disease, including cancer, immune imbalances, neurological diseases, digestive conditions and much more. There are a number of proven methods to support a healthy stress response and improve long-term health. Top recommendations include mindful meditation, yoga and Tai Chi, and other lifestyle and dietary strategies to support a healthy mood and optimal brain chemistry.  

Promoting Healthy Aging in Men

When it comes to healthy aging in men, optimal cardiovascular function and hormone balance are two primary areas of focus that provide total-body impacts and benefits. When your circulation is strong and free-flowing, and hormones are recharged, you’ll feel your best on all levels – younger, more vital, energized and balanced. 

In addition to regular exercise, nutrient-dense diet and healthy stress relief, there are clinically researched supplements that can support key areas of health in men, for greater cardiovascular function, prostate health, hormone balance and overall vitality, naturally.  

Supplements for Men’s Aging

PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin—This super-nutrient for total-body health is a powerful heart health supplement, shown in over 20 published studies to deliver essential support for heart health, function and circulation, healthy weight, and promotes long-term cardiovascular health. PectaSol is also clinically proven to support prostate health, including healthy PSA in men, while delivering critical support for optimal aging at the cellular level.*2 



Formulated by award-winning integrative medicine expert and best-selling author, Isaac Eliaz, MD, PectaSol is clinically proven and backed by over 90 studies and 6 patents. It has been recommended by thousands of doctors for 30 years to support inflammation responses, immune health, cardio wellness, detoxification, and more.*

ProstaCaid Optimal Prostate Health—This researched formula is shown in 4 published studies to support optimal prostate and urinary health in men, including support for healthy hormone balance and testosterone levels. Natural ingredients in this formula like saw palmetto, pomegranate and vitamin D support healthy testosterone balance in the body, while other ingredients like DIM help to detoxify environmental estrogen compounds that can interfere with male hormones.3* 

ProstaCaid is shown in studies to actively defend prostate cellular health, even in the presence of aggressive prostate cells. One study showed ProstaCaid works better when combined with PectaSol, delivering 40% greater benefits as a result of this synergistic combination.4* 



Formulated by Integrative Medicine Expert and best-selling author Isaac Eliaz, MD, this trusted prostate support supplement is backed by research for enhancing prostate health and aging for men.

These proven solutions and interventions can help not only add years to a man’s life, but life to his years—by supporting optimal energy, vitality and total-body wellness, naturally.  

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Underlying Cause of Death, 1999–2019. Accessed June 5, 2021.
  2. Eliaz I, Raz A. Pleiotropic Effects of Modified Citrus Pectin. Nutrients. 2019; 11(11):2619. 
  3. Eliaz I, Weil E, Wilk B. Improvements in Self-reported Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms With Prostate Health Supplement. Altern Ther Health Med. 2018 Sep;24(5):26-32. 
  4. Jiang J, Eliaz I, Sliva D. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Mar;12(2):145-52.