Health & Wellness

Can we change how our brains age? If you ask acclaimed neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, MD, the answer is absolutely! “Our brains are plastic, and we have the ability to change and shape them throughout our entire lives," he says. To...
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Brain health is all about how well your mind and emotions work together. It means being sharp mentally, handling feelings well, and staying adaptable. A healthy brain processes information fast, handles stress effectively, and keeps your thinking skills strong. Recognizing...
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The nervous system is one of the most complex and important systems in the human body. It is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system that consists of sensory neurons and groups of nerve cells that...
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Memory serves as the bedrock of our daily existence, shaping our experiences, decisions, and interactions. Whether recalling cherished moments with loved ones or retaining crucial information for professional endeavors, the power of memory is undeniable. Given its profound impact, it's...
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Derived from the bark of the Magnolia tree, honokiol is a highly active polyphenol compound that has a long history of use in Asian medicine. Science has caught up with ancient wisdom, as researchers have uncovered a multitude of remarkable...
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