Top 14 Foods With High Fiber

Top 14 Foods With High Fiber

Fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods that travels through our gastrointestinal system mostly intact. Soluble fibers dissolve into a gel-like consistency, while insoluble fibers do not.

While our bodies may lack the enzymes necessary to break down fiber, its crucial role in promoting digestion, aiding in regular elimination, supporting weight management efforts, and contributing to overall health cannot be overstated. Including fiber-rich foods in our diet is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system and achieving optimal well-being.

Eating a variety of high-fiber foods like beans, lentils, chia seeds, and whole grains can help improve gut health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Benefits of High Fiber Foods for Digestive Health

Fiber normalizes bowel movements and contributes to gastro comfort in myriad ways:

  • Colon Cleansing: Insoluble fiber is a non-digestible roughage that adds bulk to stool. This mechanical action "scrubs" intestinal walls when moving through the colon.
  • Stool Bulking: Bulkier stools stimulate the contractions that push waste out more easily without straining. Softer stools also prevent painful hemorrhoids.
  • Reduces Constipation/Diarrhea: Absorbs excess water in diarrhea while adding moisture for constipation relief. Promotes "Goldilocks" stools.
  • Prebiotic Effects: Certain fibers selectively feed beneficial bacteria like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species, fortifying the crucial microbiome guarding intestinal health.
  • Lowers Toxin Load: Binds endotoxins and other hazardous compounds, limiting reabsorption. Safely whisks toxins away.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Action: Metabolites of certain fibers reduce inflammation along the intestinal lining via cytokine and leukotriene inhibition.

How High Fiber Foods Enhances Weight Loss Efforts

  • Increases Satiety: The gel formed during soluble fiber digestion prolongs stomach emptying, signaling the brain to feel fuller longer after eating.
  • Lowers Blood Sugar Spikes: Blunts rapid glucose absorption and insulin secretion to prevent fluctuations and reactive hunger.
  • Supports Fat Breakdown: Short-chain fatty acid byproducts of insoluble fiber digestion promote adipocyte breakdown of stored fats.

High Fiber Foods Fight Chronic Diseases

  • Type II Diabetes: Regulates blood sugar spikes and sensitivity to improve glycemic control and offset diabetes risk.
  • Heart Health: Lowers "bad" LDL cholesterol while raising "good" HDL levels for maintained cardiovascular function.
  • Cancer Prevention: Rapid waste transit time shortens exposure to hazardous compounds. Specific fibers limit nitrosamine formation.
  • Neuroprotection: Nourishes microbiome responsible for gut-brain crosstalk, inflammation regulation, and neurotransmitter precursors.

Fiber Requirements

  • Despite fiber's unequivocal importance for systemic balance, over 90% of Americans fall drastically short of daily targets, resulting in an epidemic of constipation, diverticulitis, IBS, and obesity.

    General daily fiber recommendations fall between:

    • Men: 38 grams daily

    • Women: 25 grams daily

    Boost your dietary fiber incrementally over several weeks to prevent adverse symptoms like gas, bloating, or diarrhea from rapid gut flora or motility shifts. Increase hydration, too.

Top Foods to Boost Your Digestive Health

Integrating high-fiber foods into your daily diet can profoundly transform digestive wellness and systemic health. Fiber is crucial in regulating digestion, supporting gastrointestinal function, controlling appetite, and managing weight.

Despite its importance, most American diets severely need more fiber on a regular basis. Expanding high-fiber food sources provides accessible, delicious ways to meet daily intake goals and reap digestive benefits.

1. Whole Grain Cereal

Fiber Content: 5-10 grams per serving

 Starting your day with a warm bowl of whole-grain cereal topped with fruit makes it effortless to incorporate more fiber-rich nourishment first thing in the morning. Opt for whole-grain varieties featuring oats, wheat bran, granola with oats, or multigrain options over refined grains containing only a fraction of the valuable fiber. Then, pile your cereal high with fiber-filled fresh berries, bananas, and coconut flakes. Sprinkle ground flaxseed or chia seeds over everything for an even more gut-pleasing crunch.

 Seek cereals boasting at least 5 grams of fiber per serving to kickstart your day with a major fiber payload. You'll nourish your body with satisfying whole grains packed with protein and B vitamins to fuel you for hours after breakfast.

 Gluten-free lifestyle, you will have no problem getting enough fiber from whole grains. Some great choices include teff, brown and wild rice, quinoa, amaranth, gluten-free oats, and corn.

It’s important to look for organic, non-GMO versions of grains, as many grain crops are heavily sprayed with toxic pesticides such as glyphosate.

2. Bananas

Fiber Content: About 3 grams per medium banana

Bananas are portable, easy to eat, and mildly sweet, making them the ideal on-the-go high-fiber snack. Though small, these yellow fruits contain a respectable dose of digestion-regulating fiber, including resistant starch and pectin.

Bananas also offer key electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, which are critical for proper muscle, nerve, and metabolic function. As they ripen, banana starch converts into easily digestible sugars, providing an accessible energy source.

3. Coffee

Fiber Content: Around 1.8 grams per regular cup

You'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that coffee also contains a notable fiber called galactomannan alongside its treasured caffeine content. This soluble fiber constituent lends to coffee's mild gut motility and prebiotic effects, which have been shown to feed beneficial Bifidobacteria species selectively.

So feel good enjoying your regular morning mug of joe, knowing that alongside its energizing effects, your brew also offers a modest fiber boost to stimulate digestive processes gently. Just avoid filling your cup with cream, sugar, and flavorings that counter black coffee's inherent merits.

4. Raspberries

Fiber Content: Approximately 8 grams per cup

Few fruits rival fresh raspberries for delivering an appealing balance of sweet-tart flavor alongside abundant digestion-friendly fiber. Their petite, seed-filled drupelets provide one of the highest concentrations of fiber per calorie of all produce, cramming in 8 grams of gut-filling fiber per packed cup.

Raspberries also boast impressive anti-inflammatory properties thanks to colorful antioxidants called anthocyanins, which benefit digestive health by calming intestinal irritation. Enjoy these fruits alone for a light, nutrient-dense snack, or incorporate them into smoothies, parfaits, salads, sauces, and vinaigrettes. However you use them, raspberries always provide a major fiber boost.

5. Lentils

Fiber Content: Around 16 grams per cooked cup

As an affordable dried legume, fiber-rich lentils should be a kitchen staple for anyone seeking better digestive health. Though tiny, a single cooked cup of lentils provides 16 grams of belly-filling fiber-over half the recommended daily amount in one serving! Lentils also supply substantial amounts of protein, folate, iron, magnesium, and zinc to benefit health beyond the digestive tract.

Red and brown lentil varieties hold their shape better during cooking, while green and black lentils transform into a thick, pureed texture when heated. Thanks to their mild profile, lentils make excellent additions to soups, stews, salads, tacos, veggie burgers, and more. They take on the flavors of other ingredients beautifully.

6. Black Beans

Fiber Content: Approximately 15 grams per cooked cup

As a staple ingredient beloved in Latin cuisine, hearty black beans shine as a potent gut-health-promoting legume. They contain 7-15 grams of fiber per cooked cup. Their rich, meaty texture stems from abundant protein and complex carbs with little fat. Fiber forms a major component of black beans' nutritional makeup, making them ideal for efforts to embrace a high-fiber diet.

Add cooked black beans to burritos, enchiladas, tacos, nachos, and rice bowls, or add them to soups and chili for double protein and fiber. However you integrate this versatile legume, black beans make it deliciously simple to consume more gut-cleansing fiber.

7. Avocado

Fiber Content: Roughly 10 grams per average fruit

Creamy-textured avocados offer a dual benefit-they provide high fiber content AND healthy monounsaturated fats with each serving. The rich array of carotenoid antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin and key micronutrients like vitamins K, C, E, and B confer additional benefits beyond the digestive tract.

Slice avocado atop grain bowls and salads, blend into smoothies, dippers, and dressings, or simply scoop out halves with a spoon for an easy high-fiber snack full of nutritional virtues aiding whole body wellness alongside improved digestion. However you enjoy them, avocados always lend their creamy richness.

8. Whole Wheat Pasta

Fiber Content: Around 6 grams per cooked cup

Practical, affordable, and wildly versatile, fiber-filled whole wheat pasta varieties provide an effortless way to infuse a wealth of gut-healthy insoluble fiber into favorite Italian dishes. Swapping out regular refined pasta increases digestive-regulating roughage by at least 3 more grams per cooked cup.

Whole wheat pasta offers a quick-cooking base primed for combining with lean proteins, fresh or roasted vegetables, antioxidant-packed tomato sauce, and immunity-boosting garlic. Prepare an extra-large batch and freeze leftovers in portion sizes for easy, high-fiber meals throughout the week.

9. Steel Cut Oats

Fiber Content: Approximately 5 grams per cooked cup

Among whole grains, fiber-rich oats reign supreme for furnishing the highest amounts of digestion-regulating fiber. Oats' phenomenally high fiber content concentrates mostly in the outer bran covering, which harbors the bulk of this grain's digestively beneficial properties. Steel-cut oats retain even more hearty texture and fiber thanks to their coarse chopping versus rolled or instant oat varieties.

Oats famously offer unmatched satiation, too, thanks to their bountiful soluble fiber, which digests slowly to prolong the feeling of fullness. A hot bowl of whole oatmeal topped with fruit, nuts, seeds, coconut, and dairy-free milk guarantees you'll stay energized and focused for hours on just one portion.

10. Almonds

Fiber Content: Roughly 3.5 grams per ounce (about 23 nuts)

When an early afternoon slump calls for a nourishing, fiber and protein-packed snack, always reach for almonds. Alongside nearly 4 grams of digestion-supporting fiber, almonds furnish vitamin E, antioxidant polyphenols, calcium, iron, and magnesium critical for energy production, muscle function, and neural conductivity.

 These versatile nuts can be eaten straight from the bag for an easy grab-and-go option. They can also be blended into almond butter to spread onto apples and toast, sprinkled chopped almonds atop salads and Greek yogurt, or baked into high-fiber muffins and quick breads. However you incorporate them, almonds always lend their trademark crunch and subtle nutty flavor.

Look for organic, non-GMO almonds — many people don’t realize that non-organic almonds are heavily sprayed with the toxic pesticide glyphosate.

11. Broccoli

Fiber Content: Approximately 5 grams of fiber per cup of chopped, cooked florets

As a nutrient-dense cruciferous vegetable, digestion-supporting broccoli should be a staple on any high-fiber diet. Broccoli's insoluble fiber undergoes fermentation into short-chain fatty acids that benefit upper GI health. Other cleansing compounds called glucosinolates break down further to form isothiocyanates that upregulate liver detoxification enzymes.

In addition to soluble and insoluble fiber, broccoli provides antioxidants like vitamins C and E alongside anti-inflammatory nutrients like sulforaphane to combat gastrointestinal inflammation. Regularly incorporate broccoli into stir-fries, frittatas, pasta bakes, soups, and sides to obtain optimal fiber benefits.

12. Apples

Fiber Content: Approximately 4.5 grams per average-sized apple, usually even higher when skin is also consumed

The old advice rings just as true today - eating an apple a day confers exceptional digestive system advantages thanks to plentiful soluble fiber housed under the peel. Much of apples' fiber content concentrates within the skin layers, so leave peels intact whenever possible to glean the highest fiber, antioxidant, and phytochemical benefits.

Beyond fiber, the pectin constituent helps remove toxins, heavy metals, and cholesterol from the bloodstream to prevent reabsorption. The flavonoid quercetin also calms allergy and inflammation pathways often tied to gastrointestinal issues like bloating and IBS. Crunching into whole organic apples makes for the perfect, easy daily cleanse.

Apples are another food that you want to always buy organic — for years, apples have appeared on the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list. And non-organic apples have again made the list this year.  

13. Sweet Potatoes

Fiber Content: Around 4 grams per medium spud with skin

Vibrant orange-fleshed sweet potatoes offer the ultimate healthy fiber upgrade from standard Russets, providing at least triple the digestion-regulating fiber. Like apples, most of this root vegetable's fiber resides in the skin - so never peel your sweet potatoes to reap the full digestive benefits.

Sweet potatoes also blast you with antioxidant vitamin A to support immunity, alongside decent protein, vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. Bake, roast, or add diced sweet potatoes to stews and grain bowls to soak up all that gut-health-promoting nutrition from this fiber star.



This concentrated, fermented formula provides fast-acting, digestive and microbiome support, in a highly bioavailable liquid form.*

14. Pears

Fiber Content: Approximately 5.5 grams per medium-sized pear unpeeled

Following apples, soft and juicy pears claim the title for another fruit fiber heavyweight in 5.5 grams per average specimen. Like apples, pear skins house exceptional concentrations of beneficial polyphenols and antioxidants alongside valuable fiber. As such, be diligent in eating pears unpeeled to extract as much nutrition as possible.

The combination of smooth flesh and many tiny indigestible fibers offers satisfying contrast in textures while providing prebiotic compounds that feed and maintain healthy intestinal microflora. Slice pears atop your next salad or bake them into a fiber-full crisp dessert by combining it with nuts, oats, and spices.

The Environmental Working Group added pears to their annual Dirty Dozen list. This means, non-organic pears are higher in hard-to-remove pesticides than many other fruits. Be sure to buy organic pears!

Embracing a High-Fiber Diet for Better Health

Incorporating more high-fiber foods provides accessible ways to feed your gut microbiome, stay sated between meals, maintain digestive regularity, and slash disease risk. Experiment with this list of new fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Track progress meeting daily fiber goals using apps. Support your fiber-boosting efforts with natural solutions tailored to promote systemic balance from the inside out.

Discover how PectaSol works synergistically with a high-fiber diet, further enhancing digestive health and detoxification.


Formulated by award-winning Integrative Medicine expert and best-selling author, Isaac Eliaz, MD, PectaSol is clinically-proven and backed by over 80 studies and 6 patents. It has been recommended by thousands of doctors for 30 years to support inflammation responses, immune health and detoxification.*