Are you safe from pesticides?

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FDA and USDA declare TOXINS are IN ALMOST EVERY FOOD you eat

Over 70%

of all U.S. produce contains glyphosate (the most common pesticide).

1 Billion lbs

of pesticides are sprayed in the U.S. every year. That's 3 lbs per person!

Over 20

countries have banned pesticides like glyphosate in the last 5 years.

Pesticides Get Sprayed on Almost Everything

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Virtually every food crop grown in the U.S. gets doused with glyphosate and other pesticides. It’s not just GMO crops, either, but practically every plant you can think of.

According to the EPA, some of the many foods sprayed with glyphosate include:









This means every salad you make… every ketchup-covered French fry you eat… every apple you snack on could contain glyphosate and the other pesticides it’s been mixed with. 

The Best Way to Protect Yourself from Pesticides - like Glyphosate Overload

You can’t completely avoid consuming pesticides like glyphosate. And because you eat every day, you need a daily solution proactively deal with this problem … before it starts causing significant health issues. To do that, you need to get those poisons out of your body as soon as you possibly can – now.

GlyphoDetox is a pesticide detox formulated by the renowned Dr. Isaac Eliaz. This is your best defense against pesticide exposure.

Marcia M.

How Does it Work + What's in it?


one of nature’s strongest pesticide detox binders.  And it’s been used for more than 3000 years as a traditional medicine to ward off disease, promote a healthy inflammatory response,  and improve overall health and vitality.

helps protect and nourish your thyroid, a delicate organ that’s especially vulnerable to damage from toxins. Kelp also supplies a wealth of trace minerals to replace the nutrients that get stripped out of your body by glyphosate.

binds to toxins so they can safely pass out of your body. It also works as a prebiotic, the preferred food of beneficial probiotic bacteria in your gut.

derived from seaweed, binds powerfully to chemical toxins and heavy metals to pull them through and flush them out of your body. 

offers strong support for your liver, protects against leaky gut, and supports a flourishing

GlyphoDetox - ecoNugenics
GlyphoDetox - ecoNugenics
GlyphoDetox - ecoNugenics
GlyphoDetox - ecoNugenics
GlyphoDetox - ecoNugenics
GlyphoDetox - ecoNugenics


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GlyphoDetox provides advanced detox and defense against pesticides and other agricultural and environmental toxins. Powerful natural detox binders help safely eliminate pesticides including glyphosate, and block their storage at receptor sites throughout the body.*