Health & Wellness
Whether preventing a viral infection, or promoting a speedy recovery, a strong, well-balanced immune system is key for your health this fall. Immune activity is constantly changing in response to our environment, from our habits and the foods we eat, to even our thought patterns. That means...
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This year, experts are predicting an especially tough cold and flu season. With the coronavirus and pandemic restrictions, we haven’t been getting the normal immune training we would get from regular exposure to cold and flu viruses—particularly during the fall and winter months. Immune support is...
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Inflammation is a paradox. You may hear inflammation and assume disease and premature aging, but inflammation can also be a good thing—as long as it comes and goes quickly. Here’s what you need to know about inflammation, the risks and symptoms, and...
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Your gut is the core of your health, so that’s why your diet matters. The right foods can heal your body and mind, create sustainable energy, and protect you against inflammation, infections and long-term illness. The wrong foods on the...
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By now, we all know that getting sick and catching viruses is an unavoidable fact of life—and not just during the fall and winter seasons. Colds are the most common viral infections, and run rampant through schools, workplaces and homes...
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